Working with global industry leaders.

Powerful analytics from source to consumer
Unique insights on sourcing & consumption trends
Fast integration with IoT and smart metering devices
API integrations with third party applications
Actionable insights, predictive maintenance and Leakage detection.
Automated reports to meet sustainability and compliance needs

Simple, easy utility billing and payments
Integrate with major preferred payment options
API integrations with third party payments applications
Delight your customers with their preferred payment methods
​Automated billing and payments reports to meet accounting and compliance needs

Build trust with a transparent consumer experience
Get rid of questionable bills from your consumers
Give a reason for your consumers to trust their water bills and usage
Give your consumers an amazing experience
Automate your customer service processes, reduce operational costs and time to handle complaints
Enhanced visibility to count every drop
Connected & intelligent water grid
Live data that goes with you anywhere you are.
Optimized operational efficiency across online and offline platforms
Minimized wastage, optimized consumption, reduced leaks.
A unique consumer experience for your customers

2/3 of the world population could be living in water stressed conditions by 2025 according to UN


50% of the water supplied by utilities in Africa is lost before reaching the consumer due to leakages.
45% of potential revenue is lost due to poor infrastructure and poor bill payment
Why Water ?
A complete solution to see, monitor and count every drop of water anywhere.
Media and Awards.